Simple Budget Data Deletion Request

If you have enabled data backup than you can delete your data otherwise just uninstall Simple Budget app your data would be deleted!

To request the deletion of your data, please follow these steps:

  1. Open Simple Budget App

  2. Go to app settings:

    You can access app settings from the top bar through gear icon.

    Step 2
  3. Go to Manage Backup:

    If you data backup is enabled you'll see data backup ON otherwise you can login and access your data.

    Step 3
  4. Access Data Backup directly:

    Newer version of the app has direct access to the Data Bacukp page.

    Step 4
  5. Delete Backup:

    On this page you can delete your data. You may need to login and delete it if you are not logged in!

    Step 5
  6. Submit Feedback:

    Alternatively you can submit data deletion request via Feedback channel.

    Step 6
  7. OR Send Email Request:

    Alternatively, you can send us an email with the subject "Data Deletion Request" to request data deletion.